Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Update on Trader Joe's Organic Deli Style Spicy Brown Mustard Discontinuation

 In my last post, I mentioned how TJ's Organic Deli Style Spicy Brown Mustard had been discontinued. Needing a replacement, I asked around and was given some suggestions. The two that stuck out were Gulden's and Sir Kensington's. I found Sir Kensington's Spicy Brown Mustard at Sprouts Farmer's Market and purchased it, noting one of the ingredients was maple syrup, which is not in the TJ's mustard. 

I then tried Sir Kensington’s on a recipe I’ve used the TJ’s Spicy Brown Mustard on for many years: baked chicken thighs from the Skinny Taste blog. I was disappointed by the sweet taste. The TJ’s mustard is more tart. My husband was unruffled by the change in mustards; he liked the complexity of the Sir Kensington’s. We both did laugh at the funny pun on the bottle, “The best for your wurst.”

My next steps? I will continue to use the new mustard but once I’ve finished it, I’ll buy another suggested replacement: Gulden’s Spicy Brown Mustard. I’m also going to email TJ’s requesting they bring back their version. I would like to know why it was discontinued. Although it seems that companies typically do not state the reason, maybe TJ’s might give one.


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