Monday, July 17, 2023

Second opinions on medical issues

 I’m not sure if anyone reads my blog anymore, but in case someone does, here’s my story on seeking a 3rd opinion on a medical issue. When I first started feeling discomfort, it took a long time to figure out what the source of the problem was. Appointments took a long time to get as did tests. I tried what my Dr. suggested but none of it helped any. She felt that having surgery would not help me. Some time later, the discomfort went away for about 6 months but then returned. By that time my Dr. had left the practice and I went to another one. He felt that the problem I had was small and should not be causing discomfort. He told me thought the problem was mental. He didn’t provide any suggestions on what to do about that. 

Since he felt my discomfort was caused by my mind, I sought counseling. The counselor described him as “gaslighting” me. She suggested getting another opinion or acupuncture. I did not continue on with her for other reasons, but I did schedule an appointment for another Dr. Once again, I had to wait a while (month and a half or two) to see her. 

She took my problem seriously and ordered tests. She found out what the problem was. She never termed it as mental. She referred me to a Dr. who specializes in the problem. They have found a solution they think will help me going forward. Thank goodness.

I wanted to share my experience in the hopes someone or some people would gain from it. I wish you all a healthy life. I lucked out in that after the first visit to my new Dr., people canceled appointments they had with her and the specialist and I was able to see them sooner. Today I am going to email my previous Dr. about what the problem truly was in hopes that if he sees someone like me, he can suggest something that actually helps. I want something good to come of this.